For all your fancy-pants statistical needs.

Praise for The Basketball Distribution:

"...confusing." - CBS
"...quite the pun master." - ESPN

My very own ratings!

I have finally done something I've been wanting to do for a long time: make my own ratings system! I have found a source of easily-updated data, and a way to VERY quickly update my ratings!

Here's how it goes, as of games through 11/21.

To do list: adjust for tempo*, adjust for recency.

Adjusting for recency will have to be well-thought out...perhaps finding what weights most accurately predict more recent games/etc.

Tempo -- I'm not sure I'll be able to do this. To add this to my data set will most certainly be a pain, and I'm not quite sure that efficiency margin is a better measure of team quality than point margin -- or vice versa (as I have discussed previously -- relating to NCAA ball).

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I wish my heart were as often large as my hands.